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I Am the LYTE

I decided to start this blog over a long argument and debate with myself. (Which believe it or not, happens more than you know) After being married for 20 plus years and then being separated for 3 years and now, finally, divorced, I decided I didn’t want anyone else to go through the pain I have been through and still healing from. But on January 2, 2019, I lie in my bed crying (yet again) about my life and how I wanted my life to mean something. All the pain I had endured to be a light for someone else. So I prayed (no seriously) I prayed and I cried. I begged God to send me a word that was real and clear. Then I opened my bible app to look for a devotional and this one popped up. Your Story for God’s Glory! I had been contemplating writing a blog for months, started randomly writing blurbs in my phone and then one of my girls read some and said Kaevon this is good and you should share. My daughter also agreed and here we are.  I am not a perfect woman or a perfect Christian. You will see in my post that I have plenty of short comings however I just want to share my story. I am not going to man bash because that will not help us women heal. Even though in any relationship, marriage or not, it takes 2 people who love each other to make the relationship work. No one person can cause the demise. It takes 2! However I will only be focusing on my truth. You know how they say an alcoholic has to first admit to themselves that they are an alcoholic before the healing can begin. Well for me, this blog is about me taking a deep look at myself these last 25 years, as a wife, in her marriage, in her separation, after the divorce and now as a single woman. I tired to fake the funk like I’m done with marriage and I’m cool with being single but that’s not true I long for it again. However, this time I’m waiting on God. In the meanwhile, I’m working on my faults. I’m learning about those things I need to work on. The next time I’m blessed to be a wife I will take it more seriously. So all the things I write about may not apply to you and that’s okay. But if you read and feel like it does then think about it, pray about it and change it. If you are single and haven’t been married, remember some of the post when you do get married or even in your relationship with your boyfriend. Share it with a friend who you know is going through something similarly. Share my blog. Let my blog be the light. God’s light to a person drowning in depression, negativity, pain and hurt. Because only God will be able to heal them from it. 
With Love,

K. Lyte



He doesn’t call to prepare he prepares to call.

“Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭NLT

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:105‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light all in the house."

Matthew 5:15 ESV

My maiden name is Kaevon Lyte, pronounced Light. God doesn’t make mistakes. When I was born on June 23, 1975, I know, He had those scriptures above in mind for my life. He created me that I would not be a shy person. But a very open, transparent and honest person. He created me to be a light to those around me. He also knew that he would have to take me through some things to get me to be able to illuminate His light. Hence my story. 

Kaevon Lyte McCray, mother of 4 beautiful children, 22,20,19 and 15. My daughter is the oldest and then the 3 boys. My children are my everything. I pride myself on always trying to be there for every game that I can get to, every recital, concert, performance, graduation and even field trips when they were younger.  3 are in college and the baby is on his way! My daughter is graduating in the Fall preparing to dance and teach abroad. My oldest 2 sons are playing college football and living out their childhood dreams. While saving their parents thousands of dollars by attending college on full scholarships. My baby is still in high school learning how to drive, playing football and enjoying being the baby and only child. I am so very proud of all of them!

I am also the Daughter of a beautiful woman of God who all my life has always taught me by example. Living with her most of my life even now, she always practices what she preaches. She lives for God daily, hourly. Even though my Father passed away he taught me hard-work, laughter and patience. He was the best grandfather to the kids. He had his ups and downs but overall he strove to be a man of God and his heart was as big as anyone I knew.  He never met a stranger and was loved by many! 

I am the Younger Sister to an amazing woman of God who almost all of her life always put my needs (wants) and others before hers without complaint, always smiling and praying through. She moved back home from college to help my mom with my  younger brother and me after my grandmother died. She was a single mom for years and she focused only on her 2 children and my children for years. God is good as he recently sent along her Prince Charming. Now she is happily married and just built a new home. Lastly, my two younger brothers who bring me life in their own special ways as only brothers can. The older of the two, we are closer in age. He is my silent prayer warrior. Even though we don’t talk much I know that he is always praying for me. In the beginning of my separation I know it was hard for him also, hard for him to see me hurting so hard. But I always knew and still know that he loves me. Words are not necessary when your bond is that tight. My baby bro, I sometimes think of his as my child cause he was born the year I graduated high school! But he is so cool and chill. He teaches me to slow down and not take things so seriously when I’m around him. Even if I try to go off or get loud he always stays the same and I not moved. You can learn even from the Babes in your life! 


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